Friday, November 13, 2009

Thirty Seconds To Mars - Kings + Queens

New music video by 30 Seconds to Mars for their new single "Kings and Queens"
This is one of the best videos that I've seen in awhile. Check it out.

Thirty Seconds To Mars - Kings + Queens - HD Video by 30 Seconds to Mars - MySpace Video

Monday, November 9, 2009

Books I want to read....

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

The Foutainhead - Ayn Rand

We the Living - Ayn Rand

East of Eden - John Steinback

Death in Spring - Merce Rodoreda

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

These are just a few of the books right now that I've been itching to read. There's a whole bunch more that I don't feel like listing because your eyes would probably start to bleed. But I figured it was time I moved on to different types of stories than the ones I'm used to reading. You, books with plots meant for teens and highschool. Don't get me wrong, those books will always hold a special place in my heart and I'm sure I'll still buy them when a new title catches my eye. At the moment though, I'm moving on to some different books.

What books are you reading right now? Have any good suggestions? Favorites?

Tell meee!


Monday, October 12, 2009

Reasons Why I Even Bother to Wake-Up in the Morning.

Have you ever loved someone or something so much that they were literally one of the reasons why you even bother to wake up in the morning and roll out of your bed?
I defintely do in my life. And though I know for a fact that I have more than one, I want to touch on the main two people who have such an impact of my life.
They're names are Aiden and Kylie. They are the little brother and sister that God never gave me when I was younger and now I understand why he didn't. He knew that later, he'd place these two precious treasures in my life to be my little brother and sister. I love these little ones so very, very, much and I would kill or die for them. They are two of the reasons why I get out of bed in the morning. They make me want to be a better person. I love them with all of my heart, and I love their mom and dad just as much. Here's the scoop.
It started with Aiden. It was love at first sight. He was the cutest, squishiest, lovable baby I'd seen, and little did I know I'd create such a strong bond with him. He's my little Goofy-Goober, ask him and he'll tell you. I can't belive how much he has grown.
Then came Kylie.
With Aiden I thought that everything was complete. I had the little brother I always wanted, and he loved me like a big sister. I watched him grow up, we'd play superheroes and other games and learn things and do things together Tara. And then one day we heard about Kylie and I was blessed with a little sister.
When she first came, it was love at first sight all over agian. She's the little sister I've always wanted to have. I have someone to play dress up and dolls and house with. I share her bed when I spend the night and belive it or not we have have pretty interesting conversations. She was sooooo squishy! And now I look at her and I can't belive the time has flown by so quickly! She's 3 years old now and so outgoing, and sassy and loving. My heart flutters when I hear her say "Kahni I love you" or "You night-night with me!"

These are my siblings. They love me and I love them. It's the greatest feeling when I get told that they call me a big sister and say that their mommy has 3 kids.
Aiden and Kylie make me want to better myself so that I can be a good example in their lives. I feel like I can't say enough how much I love them or how much they do in my life. I would do just about anything for them.
When I play with them and watch them be goofy, my heart just wants to explode with all the love they give me. I am blessed to have them.
So here's my question to you....
Tell me what is important to you? Do you have someone or something is a reason why you live?
There's more of these to come, and Aiden and Kylie are my firsts.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm An Insomniac These Days...

Really....I haven't been able to get sleepy until like 1 A.M.

This in turn leaves room for much thinking for my wandering brain. Fun?

So here I sit thinking, and deciding to type about something that's been on my mind, that being how people treat each other.
I've said it a million times and I will continue to say it until I am blue in the face. I simply DO NOT understand people that are mean.
What's the point? Why can't people just get along? Why is it always, "That person totally looked at me funny? I hate them now!", or "Did you see what so-in-so was wearing?"

BlahBlahBlahBlahBlah is all I hear. I don't care what mean thing someone has to say about someone else because, chances are....the person your talking about happens to be a friend of mine, and sorry, I don't like hearing someone talk mean about somebody who is my friend so I'm not going to say anything except maybe look at you with a raised eyebrow or something. I mean, didn't we pass this whole stage in highschool?

Okay, so of course I know that not everybody is going to get along. People are just going to get rubbed the wrong way, personalites will clash, people will argue. We're human and it's just a fact of life. It's not my fault that I look at the world with "Rose-Colored Glasses" and I can't help be believe that there is some sort of good within every person. I could be wrong though....if you haven't noticed, I tend to be abit naive.

Alright...I'm getting off my soapbox now. anybody who even reads to leave comments? Opinions? Agree or Disagree?
Replies make me a happy mascot. Heehee.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dear IKEA Customers....

Here are a few words of advice that will make yours and my life much, much, easier when you shop:

1. Please come up the escalator and start in the showroom first if you've never shopped before. Going straight to Martkethall will only confuse you and make your trip longer than you want it to be.

2. If there's no carts left, please grab a yellow bag or try to find an abandoned one. I don't keep any stored by my I-Tower, so grab one when you enter first.

3. Please grab a Map/Shopping List and a Pencil or ask me for one because truly, your going to need it.

4. P-Tags are meant to stay ON the merchandise, not ripped off and taken with you, or thrown onto the floor.

5. The same goes for red locators. They are stapled in for a reason and usually when something stapled one to two times it usaually, 100% of the time means "DO NOT TAKE".

6. Please...don't pull on the banners. It takes a long time to get those little plastic ends slid correctly on the top and bottom of them and they rip oh so easily. Really...if you just don't touch...and keep your kids from pulling on'd make things alot more fun! Really!

7. I don't mind if your kids make a mess...infact I encourage it to see how much they like the toys and then will beg and beg you to buy it for them but you dear customer are a grown person. I don't expect you to make a mess such as leaving things on the floor...that's kinda dangerous. If you knock something over....can't you take like 2 minutes to pick it up?

8. Don't hang on the Ekkore swings or hanging rings....I mean may be hanging from the ceiling but that doesn't mean it will hold all of your weight. It's meant to look at and touch...but not to hang.

9. No..I will not sell you a display. I can't take down any of the lights even if I wanted too so please don't get angry at me, it's not my fault. Is it so hard to be patient for another week for it to come back in? Getting angry at me will not make it appear out of thin air or make me change my mind. And if you take a display thinking you've outsmarted me, just wait until you get to the cash lanes, they'll only tell you same thing. So why don't you save me a trip to go backs and yourself the trouble of lugging something heavy around and just leave the displays alone?

10. Once you've entered, the only way out of the store is going through Markethall. Please let me finish so I can tell you the easiest way (ie: Just stay to your left!) out. Telling me you want to get to the front of the store the fastest way possible and looking at the locked double doors isn't going to make you get there any faster. Those doors are locked for a reason and yes you HAVE to go THROUGH MARKETHALL. Throwing a fit, getting mad at me and telling me that the way the store is set is ridiculous won't change anything. The only way I will get those doors open is if it's an emergency (in which case LP would probably be handling that matter), or if you need to get a wheelchair A.S.A.P. I'm sorry if you want to get to the Swedish Food Market or an ice cream from the still have to go through Markethall.

So IKEA customers...if you just keep all this in mind, your trip will be so much more joyous and you'll be happy, which makes me happy. I can dream right? I can only dream that customers would follow those rules. Buuut I love to help out, so if the customers did everything right, that would mean that I wouldn't have anything to do! =D Which would be boring.
I love my job, and I love being able to help the customers make orders and show them how to shop at our wonderful store.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You can pick your clothes...

You can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends but if there's one thing in the world you can't pick, it's your family. Your pretty much stuck with them for better or for worse and you have no say in the matter. I've been coming to realize this for myself recently. I think if we lived in a world where you could pick your family, I'd have most of my very best friends chosen. But the world doesn't work like that, and like it or not, you've got to get along and love what you have right?

Now don't get me wrong, I love my family very much. They were a whole barrel of monkeys when I was alot younger and they put up with my shenanigans and wanting to always play dress up and tugging at their shirts and and hiding behind their legs. I guess as you get old things just change. Being the youngest in my family I babied alot whining always got my cousins to break down and play with me. But the age gap made things difficult. I was still young when my cousins started highschool and the time of barbie dolls and playing house came to an end and when I was over visiting and friends where there...I distinctly remember getting bribed to play somewhere else. But that must be the way it goes when your the baby and still to young to understand about boys and make-up and girl talk.

Now that we're all grown up and theres no more babies left...but I can't help but feel the gap is still there. We grew up and went our separate ways and we have our different friends and spend our time doing what we like and maybe not thinking to much about what one of cousins may be doing at the moment. Sure we come together for family parties and ask what we've been up to and how life is going and then end up staying for an hour or two before leaving to go and find a more exciting way to spend our night. Now it's coming to a point where we all have to band together and I'm finding that keeping in touch is abit...difficult? I'd like to say that my family is a close-knit group...but really I only think it applies to the older people, (ie: the aunts and uncules and older, older cousins).
I think in the end everything is going to come together fine and stuff...hopefully.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Blogging

After not having blogged in like a zillion years....but really only a few months, I've decided to give it another shot.I've been writing in my journal, but y'know...after awhile my hand gets kinda tired and with this I can share my thoughts with other people and put cool pictures on here and what not.

I really don't know where to start though. So much has been going on in my life and filling up all my free time, sometimes I just wanna scream, but I can't complain too much because besides all the craziness there has also been alot of good.
Driving...this is something that I am doing non-stop...for everyone. I mean, yes I go places and do things for myself....but now I'm also playing taxi as well. I guess it just comes with the territory. On the plus though, I do get to hangout with friends alot more. Music is something I'm getting more into. No, not playing an instrument...I certainly have no time to do anything like that. But I have been listening to it alot more and all different types. I still avoid rap and most hip-hop just doesn't settle well with my brain, haha. But I find myself going to more concerts and buy more cd's and finding myself browsing iTunes (love the free section!), and checking out music that other people have been listening to. I was thinking to myself, music is a form of art and like art, people aren't always going to like or understand it. But who are we to say what music is bad just because we don't like it? I mean, that doesn't include gross music that curses or talkes about bad things...yeah I think that music is bad....but like if one person listens to one band and loves it, then another person listens and doesn't like it, why should the person who dislikes the music say "Oh that's bad", or "You have crappy taste in music?". I find that alittle mean...but maybe that's just me. Maybe that music speaks to that person. Maybe a certain song that we don't care to listen to, is the one song that makes the other person feel something.
I'm the type of person who is open to most any type of music....excluding like that scary music that's nothing but screaming....and like I said previouisly rap and what not, but I don't really think it's fair when somone says "Oh you have bad taste in music because you listen to the raido or go see this band or that bad...etc..."
Maybe I'm just rambling on and on....I'm not sure, but does what I say make any sense to anyone out there? Do you get what I'm saying?
I'm moving on now....

Drama. This is something I thought I left back in highschool. Apparently not.
Drama follows you wherever you...kinda like that annoying monkey on your back. Ugh. I deal with it. I keep my mouth shut and listen and don't get involved. I've decided to sit back, grab my popcorn and watch the show. Something funny is bound to happen right?

Okay well I think I've gone and made this post long enough right? Are your eyes bleeding yet? Comments, thoughts, opinions about anything here? Any of that would be lovely. Let's talk.
Until next time readers!



Monday, May 25, 2009

It's been awhile....

I noticed I haven't done a blog in like a million years.
Which is sad because I really like blogging and keeping the world updated on what's going on in my life...that is if people actually read this thing. LoL. I bet like 2 people only really read it right? Ahh whatever.
So I just got back from the beach, my most favorite place on earth and I would do anything to go back. Tampa's to rainy these days.
Summer's here, I can feel it. Let the fun begin!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh Star...

....fall down on me....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Finally I get a moment!

Life has just been that busy that I haven't had the chance to blog or check my e-mails or even stay up late! Yeah...that's right. This girl is in bed by 10 p.m these days! I'm just so sleepy I can't keep my eyes open!
So these days at IKEA, there's definately less building and more arranging and p-tagging(price tagging for you non-IKEA speakers XD) going on. And we're ahead of schedule in the children's department so they have me and my other co-workers moving around constantly.
This Sunday I have to work 2-9 pm which is going to be interesting seeing as how I've never worked nights before at anytype of job. But I think that's it's going to be really fun because I'll have all of my new friends there. I think that might have to be the best part about working at IKEA. I've made sooooooo many new friends! I know I sound like I'm just going on and on about it but it's so true. I make a new friend everyday, lol. It's gotten to the point where one of my co-workers named Amanda says, "You know everyone don't you! " lol. Oh, and I was on T.V because the news people have been coming to visit us like on a regular basis.

So anyways, moving on from my awesome job...uhm that's bascially been my life. Eat, sleep and go to work! Haha...I have no life.
This past weekend I went garage saling with Tara Fernandez and the youth group girls. It was quite fun and I found some cute things to take home with me. Haley spent the night at my house and I took her to church the next day. I am so glaaad that it's almost Friday.

Twilight gets released this Saturday!! I'm releasing my inner fan girl! lol. I'm excited, and yes I'm going to buy it. Also...I need to buy pants...not that you would care though. hehe.
Anyways...I think I'm going to go straighten my to all!

P.S. My friend Matt Hires left for tour today. We'll miss you! Have fun!



Thursday, March 12, 2009

Code 1000

So today at work was everyones first official Code 1000. For those of you who don't know IKEA terms, Code 1000 means there's an emergency and we need to evacuate the building.
Well here's what happened.
All the people working went outside for their 15 min break and we're all standing there talking. The fire alarms have been going off all day because they are testing them and so is this one automated voice saying "This is a test of the Code 1000". So as we're standing there, some people notice there's all this water gushing from the top and bottom of a door and that the cement is soaked and what not. That's when me and my friend here "Attention IKEA Co-Workers. This is Code 1000". Thinking nothing of it we casually walk to the end of the building laugh it off. As we're talking I hear Cristian,(one to the head managers) yell to everyone. "Hey code 1000! this is not a drill!!"
That's when I see all the manager yelling "Get away from the building!" and running and what not. So that's when I grab my buddy Stacy and start walking quite quickly toward the parking lot. They tell us to separate by our departments and what not and then we have to gather to get roll called.
That's when the firetrucks show up and then boom...after a few mins it's
Turns out a pipe bursted and was gushing water everywhere.......
Yeah...that's what I was thinking....lame!
They evacuated us for water?! Grr...but I guess that's just routine. So after all that we back inside to finish work.
And that was my excitment for the day.....I'm dead tired. Gonna pack my bag for tommrow, edit pictures until 9:30 and then peacefully drift into oblivion.



Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Work is going so great! Like unbeliveably great. Each day I meet new people and make new friends. Everyone is so so so nice and kind and willing to help one another. Almost everyone I've spoken with is willing to give me a ride home when I need one. I am having the time of my life!

Granted my hands are covered in tiny little cuts, my knees are bruised and my arms are's all incredibly worth it and I wouldn't trade this new job for anything!....Well except maybe a job with Pediatric Rehab but IKEA will do for a long time.
They're still hire more people if you wanna come and join me LOL.
Today I built soooo many shelf thingy's called Trofast. Everything has a swedish name and I feel kinda cool saying the different names of the products. lol. Who knew that building could be so much fun right? I'm really looking forward to opening day and having more time to update my blogs more often. Oh, and pictures of course.

So that's bascially what I'll be doing for the next two weeks, building from 8-5 with a 1 hour break and two 15 minute breaks. Oh, and we don't have to wear hardhats anymore! Yay no more helmet hair! And we can start using our cards to clock in. It's all happening so quickly!

So that's it for now...I'm dead tired at 6:24 pm. I'm off to dinner, amercian idol and then bed....who knows...I might even pass out beforehand.
Farewell mon ami's, I bid thee adieu.



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Shoes...

New black Vans for work. They're really comfy and let's face it...Van's are just awesome...but Converse are still my number one choice of shoe...just sayin...<3

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I have alot of blogs....

And lately I've been thinking about also creating a Livejournal and Tumblr account. LoL.
You must be thinking, "Kianni...why so many blogs?" It's because different friends have different blogs and can only comment on certain ones and I like to be able to have that connection with my other blogging buddies.
Plussss I found this site called that will let me update most of my blogs just from that site! It's pretty cool. The only blogs I wouldn't be able to update are my myspace and deviantart one..but hey, it's all good.
So I'm off thinking about making a couple more blogs....any opinions?



Thursday, February 5, 2009


This is just a test post for my account to see if it's working the way it should. Fingers crossed!

Hooray for!!

So I found this site where I can update all of my journal entries at one time! Now I just need to figure out how to post pictures and what not.
haha...I feel so accomplished today! Yes!

Sorry It's Been Awhile...

I just feel like I don't have anything interesting to write about lately.
Help me get out of this rut!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello My Name Is...Tour @ Czar!!

Okay so for those of you who didn't know. Willam Beckett and Adam T. Siska from The Academy Is.. and two members of The Cab are doing an acoustic tour. It's sponsered by Hot Topic so usally the shows are there, but along the way they've added a couple of local music venues in different states.
Well it just so happens that they added a place called Czar which happens to be in Ybor City which conviniently happens to be 3 mins from where I live. Sooo I was pumped needless to say. The show was last night so here's the skinny.Mom dropped me off, she was going to come along but I was able to bum a ride home with my good friend Morgan. So I'm waiting in line alone when a small group asks me to take their picture, which I happily agree to do. And yes, they were drunk except for the youngest girl named Alina who was 14. So as we're all waiting, the two girls and guy ask me to watch Alina as they go to get some drinks. Haha. So I chat it up with my new friend. The show was supposed to start at 7 but it's running late even though the line would move from time to time. I think some people might have left.So we get like halfway to the doors when Alina's sister and friends come back...pretty drunk. But extremely nice! They were from Orlando so they didn't know much about Ybor.We talk and they told me I was cute and talked about my shortness which I didn't mind. Haha, they said I made them feel like models. They were really pretty. But they were like "Are you alone?" I and said "Yeah" and they said "Well you hang out with us, now you're not alone!" I love nice people!Eventually Morgan showed up with with Tyler her boyfriend and Matt. I intrduced them to my new friends Alina, Christina, Reva and Scott. After more waiting they went off to go find a bathroom. While were in line, I kept seeing some guy walking around with no shoes and some dude in a bright orange skirt...LOL! Alina was like "What the heck is going on?"
And also I kept noticing this one guy who looked really really familiar. I kept asking myself "Is that the guy from VersaEmerge?" and then I was like "nahh" because the people in line weren't like attacking him. But then I saw the lead female singer Sierra! And then I was like "OMG they are from VersaEmerge!!"In case you didn't know, VersaEmerge just got signed with Fueled By Ramen.So as I'm becoming more star-struck as time goes by, a guy who works at Czar comes up and yells that everyone over 21 needs to pull out their ids and everyone else needs to get their hands marked. I held out my hands and got my underage sharpie marks(I still have them, sharpie is hard to wash off!) and they finally let us in! I said by to my new friend Christina because she had to wait for her friends and went in. Best $10 spent ever! Czar is amazing inside, and I didn't think to take any pictures of it! Buuut I was soooooo close to the stage! I could like reach out and touch the singers.
So we're waiting for the show to start and I'm talking with Morgan and I tell her about the two people from VersaEmerge and Morgan's all like "Go and talk with them!" And being the shy person that I am, I'm like "No's fine, I got to see them and that's what counts". But of course Morgan is pushy when I'm being shy (( and I thank her for that with my whole heart!)) So she convinces me to give her the sharpie I'm carrying and the piece of paper in my purse and she goes and gets them to sign it. So she's comes back with my paper that says "Kianni, You DA Bomb!" and she's all like "Dude they are soooo nice! You have to go and talk to them!" and after she told me what she told them "I have this friend who's really really shy but would love your autograph" and some convincing she got me to go and talk with them and I even got my picture with them! Here's how it went:
Me: "Hi! Can I get a picture with you guys?"
Blake & Sierra: "Sure!" "Of course!" * climb up the stairs*
Sierra: "I like your bow!"
Me: "Oh, thank you!!" *We take the picture*
Me: "Thank you! I think you guys are awesome and I really like your music!"
Blake and Sierra: "Thank you! That means alot to us"
Me: "Yeah, ever since I heard the song you played for Youtube, I like fell in love"
Blake: "Oh The Grinch!"
Me: "Yeah! And you guys are from Florida to and that's awesome"
Sierra: "Yeah, I live in St. Pete"
Me: "That's cool, I live here in Tampa" *smile* "Well, thanks for the picture!"
Sierra and Blake: *smile* "No problem", "Your welcome!" "Thanks for listening!"
Now I'm really starstruck as I go back to my place. The Cab comes out and plays there set, they call out William Beckett and the crowd goes wild! Myself included. He looks exactly the same as he does in pictures, sometimes people don' he does! and so does Adam. Unfortunately I didn't any good pics of Sisky(adam).I took lots and lots of video because you can only take so many pics of someone standing there singing. William is soooo cute in person! And he talks soo cute I feel like such a fangirl. He tends to stutter when he! His girlfriend is definately one lucky girl.
I'll have pictures posted by Thursday and a link to my youtube if you feel like seeing the videos.We didn't stay to see The Woodwork, although now I wish Tyler didn't want to leave so early...I checked their myspace and their really good!So that was my amazing night out at Czar. I touched the tour bus and got some pictures of it too! LOL. I'm a dork, I know. Oh, and I totally missed seeing Mckenna there!! Grrr! She was there the whole time in line and in the place, but she was by the bar most of the time. And she was with Danny!!
*sigh* Next time my time...
So yeah, that was my awesome night...and now I need to get a liscence so that I can drive myself to shows and leave when I want.....haha. That's it for now. Love to all!


I <3 Mckenna

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Worth A Thousand Words...

That's what they say about pictures...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Things That I Like...

Sooo, for those of you who ever wonder to yourself, "I wonder what are some things that Kianni likes", because I know all of you inquireing minds are just dying to know. Here's some pictures! I simply cannot live without chocolate! I get my sweet-tooth from my mother who got it from my grandfather and so on. LOL. Chocolate was like a gift to women everywere. Yummy!
Twilight!! I know it's super popular and stuff, but I still love it. I discovered it back in 05 when it was first published and when nobody knew about it. I'm glad for Stephenie that it became a huge success...I'm just tired of seeing every girl and her mom calling herself "Mrs. Cullen" blah!
Oh, and for those of you who don't know what Twlight is...what rock have you been living under??

Music! I don't even know where to start! It has been such a big part of my life since I was very small. I always love,love,loved to sing, although I have been a shy person about it. I've been in tons of plays and choir concerts and what not. I listen to music 24-7, and I think I would die without my iPod. There's so many good bands out there these days too! Let's strike up a conversation!

The Beach!!
I always tell people that I should have been born a fish, that is how much I love the water. The Little Mermaid was one of my first Disney movies and I think this has something to account to my love of the sea. When I went to the Bahamas, I didn't want to leave. I always wonder why our water can't be as blue as it is just isn't fair y'know. Oh, and sunset walks on the beach, no matter how played out they are, too me they will never stop being romantic.
Those have got to be the best part of the day. The skies are always sooo beautiful and it's like the ending of book...or the begining of a new one. The moment right after the sun goes down, right before the moon comes out has got to be my absolute favorite. I love to bring out my camera and just shoot away. Sunrises are really good to, but I've only stayed up to see a sunrise a couple of times before.

VW Bugs!
My dream car! Hopefully whenever I get my freakin liscence, I can save up enough money and get myself one of these babies. Then I can be like, "Punchbuggy no punch back!"
So I think that's about it for right now. These are a few of my favorite things at the moment. Incase you were bored and felt like reading it.
I'm currently job-hunting at the moment. I got a reference number from the new Ikea that's opening up and that means their reveiwing the applications and they might set up an interview with me. So fingers crossed!
Uhm, tommrow is youth group, maybe I'll take some pictures of my little buddies and post them up. I volunteered to set up a blog for the youth group and stuff, so I need to talk to Tara B. and see how I get one that everyone can share.
Well, I'd better prepare for bed. Love you all!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (book)

Okay this was a really, really, really good book. I mean once you get past all the use of the F-word and what not, it was actually pretty deep. It had some great music reference too!
Wilco, Ryan Adams, The Beatles, Belle and Sebastian...gosh the list goes on and on.
I think I might just have to read this book again!

This is going to be a short one, I'm going to be re-reading Nick and Norah and post some of my favorite passages.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heavy and Light

So I couldn't make it to Orlando to To Write Love On Her Arms concert called Heavy and Light buuutt they have a live feed streaming online so I'm getting to watch it live!
I wish I could be there in person because it's so amazing and speaking to me. Even through my computer, the words that people are speaking are enlightening me.
I think one of the things that really stands out to me is one simple phrase: You are Not Alone. It's so easy to think that...and yet so untrue! Everyday...every evening all around the world. Someone is going through something too, someone is haveing a bad day...someone is having a good day.
Some of the people that performed were Jon Foreman of Switchfoot and Aaron Gillsepie of Underoath and The Almost. They sang christian songs and talked about God and how Jesus loves you and everything! I hope that their message touched every single one of the people watching, because it certainly touched my heart. If you don't know about TWLOHA, I suggest you go and check them out. They are an amazing non-profit organization based in Cocoa, FL and they're willing to talk with people for hours and help in any way they can. Things like this really make me see that there's still good people in this world.
I just wanted to share that. TWLOHA is definately one of my favorite organizations now and always.
Another post coming later tonight because I know I won't be able to sleep.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Pictures and Video from The Bunker!

Okay so I know the pictures are only of Matt. It's only because I had a little room left on my memory card because I forgot to clean it out and my battery was dying too. Sooo I was working with limited rescorces.
But anyone who hasn't been to the Bunker should definately go, because it's super cool.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Good Day Musically...

Today was a good day. Had to do with alot of music stuffage actually...sorta.

First at work I met the new girl named Erin. Really sweet, kinda sad that I only have one more week left at Oilily before I'm job-hunting once again. It was an extremly slow day but we did alot considering.
While I was on my break, I went to go visit my friend Matthew when I see Travis from the band We The Kings, his girlfriend Sasha, and some random dude walk past me.
I freeze and then stalk them into Hot Topic. I talk to my friend Bobby that works there and then I tell him...more like whisper. "That's the lead singer for We the Kings!" and he's like "Nuh uh!" and I'm like "Yeah-huh!"
So after grabbing him just before they shimmy out the door, Bobby's like,"Are you from We the Kings??" and Travis says,"Yes I am". They all introduce themselves except me because I'm super super shy and I just....stare. in that creepy lurker type of way.
After they leave I stay and chat for awhile and then head back to Oilily when none other than Travis and Sasha walk past me again!
Me: *stare*"............."
Travis: ".............."*stare back*
We kept, I really have to stop being so shy!

Then tonight was a show from none other than the awesome Matt Hires at The Bunker in Ybor City! It was loads of fun and I got to catch up with some old friends I haven't seen in some time.
Needless to say, Ashley Beale is awesome because I can talk to her so easily when I see her and she reads my blog! She gets extra brownie points! Hahaha. If your reading this now Ash, I love you!
But anyways, hearing Matt perform after so long was really awesome. And being surrouded by awesome people in a super awesome place with good vibes radiating from every corner was just really good for me. It's something I really needed right about now. I'll post up the pictures and a couple of short videos I took tommrow.
So that's it for now. I'll definately have another post tommrow whilst job-hunting online. I got some good tips like IKEA and Progressive. Should be interesting.
Leave me comments..they make my day. I want to know people are reading...or even just say Hi...really.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

In A Funky Mood pt.2

Apparently the shower is a really good place to get some good thinking done.
I try to tell myself, "Stop thinking so much" because really I do. I think and worry way too much.
It's getting really bad.

I need to stop thinking so much.

In A Funk...

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a safe and fun night. I stayed home with Mom and Abuela. Not that I really wanted to...but you kinda have to go by what mother says when you can't drive a car. So we watched movies and Dick Clark's New Years Rockin Eve. We watched the ball drop in NY, drank champagne when 12 am came around. I danced! It's amazing how...uninhibited one can become after consuming a couple glasses of champagne...but I digress.
I've made a stern promise to make this year really count. 2008 now that I think about it was such a waste and I really didn't do anything productive with my life. I don't even know if I'm still registered at HCC. There's so many crazy things that happened at the end of this year that was just totally blew me for a loop.
I lost a best friend, but gained a new one.
Got my permit but have yet to get my many other things I care not to name just because it would be such a long list of things to explain later on. Does that make any sense. But really, I'm starting fresh, I'm going to make 2009 the best year yet. I think this Tuesday I'm going to have my mom take me to the hospital so I can apply for a job. Hopefully they have some openings.
Tonight I'm giong to make a wish on 11:11. Have any of you ever done that? If you catch it, your allowed to make a wish and hope it comes true. Night after night I would sit up and wish for the same thing...never really came true..but I'm not going to stop.
Okay so on to resolutions. Mine arrrrre:
Get into school
Get a new job
Get my liscene
Live life alittle crazy and not hang in the background so much.
Dye peices of my hair purple
Not be shy to talk to guys.
Whooo that's a long list huh? I'm not sure if I can do it all but I really am going to try. I'm sick of seeing all my friends do the things I want to do. But I guess I have no one to blame buy myself. I basically put myself into this prediciment.
I really don't know the first place to start looking for a job. My mom wants me to get an office job but I'm really more of hands on type of person....I dread office jobs..really...especially filing and what not.
Okay so now I feel like I'm just repeating myself again and again. Please let me know. I really want to make this blog more interesting. I don't really know how though. I see such cool blogs with neat layouts and people taking really artistic pictures...but I just dont know how to do that.
I've started writing poetry again....but I'm not ready to post it up here just yet. If you're really intersted in reading it though, try going to Mondayeyes on and see if you can find one of mine. $10 bucks to the winner.
Well, I have church in the the A.M. and I have yet to take a shower and get comfortable. I bid you all a pleasant evening. Stay safe if you'll be going out tonight. Remember....someone out there loves you.
This is my favorite time of the day.
I feel like there's this veil in front of me. And I just need to peirce throught it.