Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Things That I Like...

Sooo, for those of you who ever wonder to yourself, "I wonder what are some things that Kianni likes", because I know all of you inquireing minds are just dying to know. Here's some pictures! I simply cannot live without chocolate! I get my sweet-tooth from my mother who got it from my grandfather and so on. LOL. Chocolate was like a gift to women everywere. Yummy!
Twilight!! I know it's super popular and stuff, but I still love it. I discovered it back in 05 when it was first published and when nobody knew about it. I'm glad for Stephenie that it became a huge success...I'm just tired of seeing every girl and her mom calling herself "Mrs. Cullen" blah!
Oh, and for those of you who don't know what Twlight is...what rock have you been living under??

Music! I don't even know where to start! It has been such a big part of my life since I was very small. I always love,love,loved to sing, although I have been a shy person about it. I've been in tons of plays and choir concerts and what not. I listen to music 24-7, and I think I would die without my iPod. There's so many good bands out there these days too! Let's strike up a conversation!

The Beach!!
I always tell people that I should have been born a fish, that is how much I love the water. The Little Mermaid was one of my first Disney movies and I think this has something to account to my love of the sea. When I went to the Bahamas, I didn't want to leave. I always wonder why our water can't be as blue as it is just isn't fair y'know. Oh, and sunset walks on the beach, no matter how played out they are, too me they will never stop being romantic.
Those have got to be the best part of the day. The skies are always sooo beautiful and it's like the ending of book...or the begining of a new one. The moment right after the sun goes down, right before the moon comes out has got to be my absolute favorite. I love to bring out my camera and just shoot away. Sunrises are really good to, but I've only stayed up to see a sunrise a couple of times before.

VW Bugs!
My dream car! Hopefully whenever I get my freakin liscence, I can save up enough money and get myself one of these babies. Then I can be like, "Punchbuggy no punch back!"
So I think that's about it for right now. These are a few of my favorite things at the moment. Incase you were bored and felt like reading it.
I'm currently job-hunting at the moment. I got a reference number from the new Ikea that's opening up and that means their reveiwing the applications and they might set up an interview with me. So fingers crossed!
Uhm, tommrow is youth group, maybe I'll take some pictures of my little buddies and post them up. I volunteered to set up a blog for the youth group and stuff, so I need to talk to Tara B. and see how I get one that everyone can share.
Well, I'd better prepare for bed. Love you all!


Kim said...

Thanks for sharing a little more about you...
1 thing we def have in common.. the LOVE of chocolate!

Extravagance said...

Well, it does get annoying what with Twilight being so popular but I think people obsessing over it's like a hobby, or something like that...I might only say that though because I do that sometimes...

breakingsilence said...

Punch buggy!! haha wow, that brings back memories!