Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You can pick your clothes...

You can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends but if there's one thing in the world you can't pick, it's your family. Your pretty much stuck with them for better or for worse and you have no say in the matter. I've been coming to realize this for myself recently. I think if we lived in a world where you could pick your family, I'd have most of my very best friends chosen. But the world doesn't work like that, and like it or not, you've got to get along and love what you have right?

Now don't get me wrong, I love my family very much. They were a whole barrel of monkeys when I was alot younger and they put up with my shenanigans and wanting to always play dress up and tugging at their shirts and and hiding behind their legs. I guess as you get old things just change. Being the youngest in my family I babied alot whining always got my cousins to break down and play with me. But the age gap made things difficult. I was still young when my cousins started highschool and the time of barbie dolls and playing house came to an end and when I was over visiting and friends where there...I distinctly remember getting bribed to play somewhere else. But that must be the way it goes when your the baby and still to young to understand about boys and make-up and girl talk.

Now that we're all grown up and theres no more babies left...but I can't help but feel the gap is still there. We grew up and went our separate ways and we have our different friends and spend our time doing what we like and maybe not thinking to much about what one of cousins may be doing at the moment. Sure we come together for family parties and ask what we've been up to and how life is going and then end up staying for an hour or two before leaving to go and find a more exciting way to spend our night. Now it's coming to a point where we all have to band together and I'm finding that keeping in touch is abit...difficult? I'd like to say that my family is a close-knit group...but really I only think it applies to the older people, (ie: the aunts and uncules and older, older cousins).
I think in the end everything is going to come together fine and stuff...hopefully.