Thursday, March 19, 2009

Finally I get a moment!

Life has just been that busy that I haven't had the chance to blog or check my e-mails or even stay up late! Yeah...that's right. This girl is in bed by 10 p.m these days! I'm just so sleepy I can't keep my eyes open!
So these days at IKEA, there's definately less building and more arranging and p-tagging(price tagging for you non-IKEA speakers XD) going on. And we're ahead of schedule in the children's department so they have me and my other co-workers moving around constantly.
This Sunday I have to work 2-9 pm which is going to be interesting seeing as how I've never worked nights before at anytype of job. But I think that's it's going to be really fun because I'll have all of my new friends there. I think that might have to be the best part about working at IKEA. I've made sooooooo many new friends! I know I sound like I'm just going on and on about it but it's so true. I make a new friend everyday, lol. It's gotten to the point where one of my co-workers named Amanda says, "You know everyone don't you! " lol. Oh, and I was on T.V because the news people have been coming to visit us like on a regular basis.

So anyways, moving on from my awesome job...uhm that's bascially been my life. Eat, sleep and go to work! Haha...I have no life.
This past weekend I went garage saling with Tara Fernandez and the youth group girls. It was quite fun and I found some cute things to take home with me. Haley spent the night at my house and I took her to church the next day. I am so glaaad that it's almost Friday.

Twilight gets released this Saturday!! I'm releasing my inner fan girl! lol. I'm excited, and yes I'm going to buy it. Also...I need to buy pants...not that you would care though. hehe.
Anyways...I think I'm going to go straighten my to all!

P.S. My friend Matt Hires left for tour today. We'll miss you! Have fun!




Blooming Where We're Planted said...

You're soooooo cute!!! Michaela was very glad you were there last weekend. You're such a good role model to those girls. Did you see we're buying a house? IKEA, here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!

breakingsilence said...

Glad IKEA's working out for you :)