Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Work is going so great! Like unbeliveably great. Each day I meet new people and make new friends. Everyone is so so so nice and kind and willing to help one another. Almost everyone I've spoken with is willing to give me a ride home when I need one. I am having the time of my life!

Granted my hands are covered in tiny little cuts, my knees are bruised and my arms are's all incredibly worth it and I wouldn't trade this new job for anything!....Well except maybe a job with Pediatric Rehab but IKEA will do for a long time.
They're still hire more people if you wanna come and join me LOL.
Today I built soooo many shelf thingy's called Trofast. Everything has a swedish name and I feel kinda cool saying the different names of the products. lol. Who knew that building could be so much fun right? I'm really looking forward to opening day and having more time to update my blogs more often. Oh, and pictures of course.

So that's bascially what I'll be doing for the next two weeks, building from 8-5 with a 1 hour break and two 15 minute breaks. Oh, and we don't have to wear hardhats anymore! Yay no more helmet hair! And we can start using our cards to clock in. It's all happening so quickly!

So that's it for now...I'm dead tired at 6:24 pm. I'm off to dinner, amercian idol and then bed....who knows...I might even pass out beforehand.
Farewell mon ami's, I bid thee adieu.

