Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm An Insomniac These Days...

Really....I haven't been able to get sleepy until like 1 A.M.

This in turn leaves room for much thinking for my wandering brain. Fun?

So here I sit thinking, and deciding to type about something that's been on my mind, that being how people treat each other.
I've said it a million times and I will continue to say it until I am blue in the face. I simply DO NOT understand people that are mean.
What's the point? Why can't people just get along? Why is it always, "That person totally looked at me funny? I hate them now!", or "Did you see what so-in-so was wearing?"

BlahBlahBlahBlahBlah is all I hear. I don't care what mean thing someone has to say about someone else because, chances are....the person your talking about happens to be a friend of mine, and sorry, I don't like hearing someone talk mean about somebody who is my friend so I'm not going to say anything except maybe look at you with a raised eyebrow or something. I mean, didn't we pass this whole stage in highschool?

Okay, so of course I know that not everybody is going to get along. People are just going to get rubbed the wrong way, personalites will clash, people will argue. We're human and it's just a fact of life. It's not my fault that I look at the world with "Rose-Colored Glasses" and I can't help be believe that there is some sort of good within every person. I could be wrong though....if you haven't noticed, I tend to be abit naive.

Alright...I'm getting off my soapbox now. anybody who even reads to leave comments? Opinions? Agree or Disagree?
Replies make me a happy mascot. Heehee.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dear IKEA Customers....

Here are a few words of advice that will make yours and my life much, much, easier when you shop:

1. Please come up the escalator and start in the showroom first if you've never shopped before. Going straight to Martkethall will only confuse you and make your trip longer than you want it to be.

2. If there's no carts left, please grab a yellow bag or try to find an abandoned one. I don't keep any stored by my I-Tower, so grab one when you enter first.

3. Please grab a Map/Shopping List and a Pencil or ask me for one because truly, your going to need it.

4. P-Tags are meant to stay ON the merchandise, not ripped off and taken with you, or thrown onto the floor.

5. The same goes for red locators. They are stapled in for a reason and usually when something stapled one to two times it usaually, 100% of the time means "DO NOT TAKE".

6. Please...don't pull on the banners. It takes a long time to get those little plastic ends slid correctly on the top and bottom of them and they rip oh so easily. Really...if you just don't touch...and keep your kids from pulling on'd make things alot more fun! Really!

7. I don't mind if your kids make a mess...infact I encourage it to see how much they like the toys and then will beg and beg you to buy it for them but you dear customer are a grown person. I don't expect you to make a mess such as leaving things on the floor...that's kinda dangerous. If you knock something over....can't you take like 2 minutes to pick it up?

8. Don't hang on the Ekkore swings or hanging rings....I mean may be hanging from the ceiling but that doesn't mean it will hold all of your weight. It's meant to look at and touch...but not to hang.

9. No..I will not sell you a display. I can't take down any of the lights even if I wanted too so please don't get angry at me, it's not my fault. Is it so hard to be patient for another week for it to come back in? Getting angry at me will not make it appear out of thin air or make me change my mind. And if you take a display thinking you've outsmarted me, just wait until you get to the cash lanes, they'll only tell you same thing. So why don't you save me a trip to go backs and yourself the trouble of lugging something heavy around and just leave the displays alone?

10. Once you've entered, the only way out of the store is going through Markethall. Please let me finish so I can tell you the easiest way (ie: Just stay to your left!) out. Telling me you want to get to the front of the store the fastest way possible and looking at the locked double doors isn't going to make you get there any faster. Those doors are locked for a reason and yes you HAVE to go THROUGH MARKETHALL. Throwing a fit, getting mad at me and telling me that the way the store is set is ridiculous won't change anything. The only way I will get those doors open is if it's an emergency (in which case LP would probably be handling that matter), or if you need to get a wheelchair A.S.A.P. I'm sorry if you want to get to the Swedish Food Market or an ice cream from the still have to go through Markethall.

So IKEA customers...if you just keep all this in mind, your trip will be so much more joyous and you'll be happy, which makes me happy. I can dream right? I can only dream that customers would follow those rules. Buuut I love to help out, so if the customers did everything right, that would mean that I wouldn't have anything to do! =D Which would be boring.
I love my job, and I love being able to help the customers make orders and show them how to shop at our wonderful store.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You can pick your clothes...

You can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends but if there's one thing in the world you can't pick, it's your family. Your pretty much stuck with them for better or for worse and you have no say in the matter. I've been coming to realize this for myself recently. I think if we lived in a world where you could pick your family, I'd have most of my very best friends chosen. But the world doesn't work like that, and like it or not, you've got to get along and love what you have right?

Now don't get me wrong, I love my family very much. They were a whole barrel of monkeys when I was alot younger and they put up with my shenanigans and wanting to always play dress up and tugging at their shirts and and hiding behind their legs. I guess as you get old things just change. Being the youngest in my family I babied alot whining always got my cousins to break down and play with me. But the age gap made things difficult. I was still young when my cousins started highschool and the time of barbie dolls and playing house came to an end and when I was over visiting and friends where there...I distinctly remember getting bribed to play somewhere else. But that must be the way it goes when your the baby and still to young to understand about boys and make-up and girl talk.

Now that we're all grown up and theres no more babies left...but I can't help but feel the gap is still there. We grew up and went our separate ways and we have our different friends and spend our time doing what we like and maybe not thinking to much about what one of cousins may be doing at the moment. Sure we come together for family parties and ask what we've been up to and how life is going and then end up staying for an hour or two before leaving to go and find a more exciting way to spend our night. Now it's coming to a point where we all have to band together and I'm finding that keeping in touch is abit...difficult? I'd like to say that my family is a close-knit group...but really I only think it applies to the older people, (ie: the aunts and uncules and older, older cousins).
I think in the end everything is going to come together fine and stuff...hopefully.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Blogging

After not having blogged in like a zillion years....but really only a few months, I've decided to give it another shot.I've been writing in my journal, but y'know...after awhile my hand gets kinda tired and with this I can share my thoughts with other people and put cool pictures on here and what not.

I really don't know where to start though. So much has been going on in my life and filling up all my free time, sometimes I just wanna scream, but I can't complain too much because besides all the craziness there has also been alot of good.
Driving...this is something that I am doing non-stop...for everyone. I mean, yes I go places and do things for myself....but now I'm also playing taxi as well. I guess it just comes with the territory. On the plus though, I do get to hangout with friends alot more. Music is something I'm getting more into. No, not playing an instrument...I certainly have no time to do anything like that. But I have been listening to it alot more and all different types. I still avoid rap and most hip-hop just doesn't settle well with my brain, haha. But I find myself going to more concerts and buy more cd's and finding myself browsing iTunes (love the free section!), and checking out music that other people have been listening to. I was thinking to myself, music is a form of art and like art, people aren't always going to like or understand it. But who are we to say what music is bad just because we don't like it? I mean, that doesn't include gross music that curses or talkes about bad things...yeah I think that music is bad....but like if one person listens to one band and loves it, then another person listens and doesn't like it, why should the person who dislikes the music say "Oh that's bad", or "You have crappy taste in music?". I find that alittle mean...but maybe that's just me. Maybe that music speaks to that person. Maybe a certain song that we don't care to listen to, is the one song that makes the other person feel something.
I'm the type of person who is open to most any type of music....excluding like that scary music that's nothing but screaming....and like I said previouisly rap and what not, but I don't really think it's fair when somone says "Oh you have bad taste in music because you listen to the raido or go see this band or that bad...etc..."
Maybe I'm just rambling on and on....I'm not sure, but does what I say make any sense to anyone out there? Do you get what I'm saying?
I'm moving on now....

Drama. This is something I thought I left back in highschool. Apparently not.
Drama follows you wherever you...kinda like that annoying monkey on your back. Ugh. I deal with it. I keep my mouth shut and listen and don't get involved. I've decided to sit back, grab my popcorn and watch the show. Something funny is bound to happen right?

Okay well I think I've gone and made this post long enough right? Are your eyes bleeding yet? Comments, thoughts, opinions about anything here? Any of that would be lovely. Let's talk.
Until next time readers!

