Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lack of Updating is B-A-D

Okay so I finally have stuff to blog about! Work has been keeping me tired...which makes me lazy, which makes me not want to update. See, there's a good excuse for everything.
So there's a new girl at work named Heather and I already LOVE her! She's sooo sweet and she's 19 just like me. We like the same music, have the same taste in clothes and other stuff too. It's pretty pretty cool. I can't wait to work more with her which is going to be happening because Cassie is going on her maternity leave early soo more hours for me! Devra wanted me to start working on Sunday's after chuch but my mom is not having any of that. If I had my own car I would but as long as me and my mom are sharing one and I don't have a liscence yet, I'm stuck to her rules. Oh well.
But on the driving news, it's all going pretty well. I drive most of the time and take interstate. Buuuuuut I'm still really bad at turns..and backing up..and getting into parking spaces. Those are pretty important right? Guess I need alot more practice.
My mom and I are going to Publix tommrow so that I can fill out a job application. I really want to work at Oilily until January like planned, but if Publix can hire me right away I'll have to take it because it'll probably be more helpful in the long run. Publix will help with school and stuff so it's pretty good.
Speaking about school. I'll hopefully start in January taking Remedial Math. What sucks is I have to pay for that class and it doesn't even count towards my credits! Grrrrr...whatever. I hate math, I'm really really bad if you didn't guess by now. My mom said if I don't get into school this year then I'll have to get a full time job and I really don't want an office job.
I think that Oilily might be going down the tube though. There is so much drama going on in the company that it's like a soap opera! I don't want to say to much though...I will another time.
So today at work I got a visit from Kyle!!! I haven't seen the dude in like a whoooole month, let alone talk to him. I was starting to get sad and stuff because Kyle's like the big brother I never had. Soooo I nearly tackled him when I went to see him.
He's doing good. Right now he's playing for the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Performing Arts Center! Isn't that cool?. He's going to be really busy for like a long time so I don't know when I'll see him agian...buuut there's always the phone. He promised to call me back everytime I called and he couldn't answer so I'm holding him to his word!!! Or else!!
Anyways, I'd better end it here. I have to get to work tommrow morning.
Oh and wish me luck! Thursday I get all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed...scary!!