Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Glad that it's finally done and over with? I sure as heck am! I mean don't get me wrong, christmas is a lovely time of year and all and supposed to be filled with cheery feeling...but it can be difficult with my family.
I'm going to be honest, I'm glad that it's finally all over with. I love Christmas and all...but I loved it alot more when I was a small child.
There was just something about it that was so much more...when I was so much smaller. The lights shined brighter, the tree was bigger, I could relate more to my cousins, my house seemed more cheerier.
You that I think about it, alot of it might have to do with my abuelo(grandfather for my non-spanishing speaking readers). He brought so much joy to Christmas for me. And when he passed away things were never the same I guess.
The first Christmas without him was the first time we didn't get a real tree, just one of those small plastic ones. The family didn't come over, we went to my uncule's house. It was a solemn time of year. And I don't think anyone recovered from that slump. It's actually quite sad. I think ever since he's passed away I just can't get into the whole cheer. I really can relate to that song "Where Are You Christmas".
But I said it's all done and over with. I can breathe easy although I still have some presents to deliver but that parts easy.
I'm glad that my house is mine again and I don't have family drinking down vodka, messing up the bathrooms, laying on my bed with their shoes on, invading my computer, misplacing things in the house...yadda yadda yadda...I know I sound like such a complainer, but at times I really am a creature of habit.
Tommrow is work, and I must say I am quite excited to work with Mckenna. I think she might be the only reason I stay at Oilily, although I am looking for another job this new year.
Let's seee...this Sunday I'm off to see Autumn with Devin since she's going to be in St. Pete so it's gonna be fuunnn! Specially since it's her b-day and all.
Uhm...sleep deprevation is finally seeping it's way through system, and I have to work tommrow...which I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned.
I'm off to dreamland.
Goodnight to all!