Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Glad that it's finally done and over with? I sure as heck am! I mean don't get me wrong, christmas is a lovely time of year and all and supposed to be filled with cheery feeling...but it can be difficult with my family.
I'm going to be honest, I'm glad that it's finally all over with. I love Christmas and all...but I loved it alot more when I was a small child.
There was just something about it that was so much more...when I was so much smaller. The lights shined brighter, the tree was bigger, I could relate more to my cousins, my house seemed more cheerier.
You that I think about it, alot of it might have to do with my abuelo(grandfather for my non-spanishing speaking readers). He brought so much joy to Christmas for me. And when he passed away things were never the same I guess.
The first Christmas without him was the first time we didn't get a real tree, just one of those small plastic ones. The family didn't come over, we went to my uncule's house. It was a solemn time of year. And I don't think anyone recovered from that slump. It's actually quite sad. I think ever since he's passed away I just can't get into the whole cheer. I really can relate to that song "Where Are You Christmas".
But I said it's all done and over with. I can breathe easy although I still have some presents to deliver but that parts easy.
I'm glad that my house is mine again and I don't have family drinking down vodka, messing up the bathrooms, laying on my bed with their shoes on, invading my computer, misplacing things in the house...yadda yadda yadda...I know I sound like such a complainer, but at times I really am a creature of habit.
Tommrow is work, and I must say I am quite excited to work with Mckenna. I think she might be the only reason I stay at Oilily, although I am looking for another job this new year.
Let's seee...this Sunday I'm off to see Autumn with Devin since she's going to be in St. Pete so it's gonna be fuunnn! Specially since it's her b-day and all.
Uhm...sleep deprevation is finally seeping it's way through system, and I have to work tommrow...which I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned.
I'm off to dreamland.
Goodnight to all!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Made A Wish on 11:11...

Still waiting for my wish to come true....I'll never tell.
So my computer is waiting to be picked up from the Geek Squad. I've left it there an extra day as punishment for getting sick! Aren't I a stinker? LoL.

Today I saw Hulk Hogan shopping with Nick and Brooke. They look alittle different in person, it's kinda funny. I totally stalked them...and it kinda creeped me out. Haha. They must have been Christmas shopping or something.
So yesterday Sarah Rivera came to visit me with someone who I hadn't seen in years....Micheal Hauter! Still tall but not quite the string bean I was used to seeing. We've planned a BCA reunion for December 29th. So anyone who went to that....."wonderful" school, come join us in Ybor City for lunch and a movie, it's gonna be fun.
So Oilily is not doing to well it seems. Which means it's time for me to find another job. I was looking into St. Joseph's hospital because there's always something to do there. Wish me luck, job's are scarce these days.

On a happy note, I've gotten most of my Christmas shopping done! I've just got to get one more thing for Mallory, a couple of things for Casey, one for McKenna and something for my mother....which means something chocolate for her.
So Heroes season 3 is finished and let me say it was really really really confusing! OMG...yeah but I loved it and I can't wait to see what season 4 is gonna bring. Apparently they're all fugitives now.
And now I'm watching House...but it's an old episode, which saddens me. But I'll deal, new episodes in the new year to come! Party!
Tommrow I want to go to the youth group christmas party and chill with my little homies, haha.
So that's the news for now, nothing to interesting huh?
Why don't you leave me a comment, those make me happy.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Miss My Own Computer...

For those of you who actually read my blog and don't know, I've been secretly using the computer at work to get all my internet dailes done.
Now I know this is no excuse for my lack of updates, truth be told I've just been down right lazy, but with this new year approaching, I promise things will get better.
So computer tower has been at the geek squad for almost three weeks and I think it might be finally time to go and pick it up. Apparently it caught some nasty Malware bugs and had to be cleaned out...thanks Verizon. X(
I think after we're done with the first 6 months we're going to switch to Brighthouse.
So interesting things as of lately? Not to much. Being a slave to your job is definately no fun at all but working is all I've been doing for the past...ohhh...3 or 4 months. I've bonded so good with McKenna, my co-worker, that I have no idea how I survived Oilily this long without her.'s coming along okay. I've kinda slowed down with it after I got my wisdom teeth pulled and I get the feeling that I need to start up again if I ever dream of becoming independant someday.
Things to I've been following lately? and
Totally in love with these two organizations! What are they you ask? To start, Postsecret is a community started started by one man where you can send in a postcard with your most private secret and let the world know without revealing yourself. It's pretty amazing and eye-opening and a few have made me cry. I've been thinking about sending some of my own in someday soon.
TWLOHA? It stands for To Write Love On Her Arms. It's an organization based in Cocoa, Fl and deals with people who are thinking about scuicide, people who have lost friends to scuicide, depression, self-mutilation, ect. Now I'm not saying I'm any of these because I'm not, but I have friends who fall into this category and I've lost a couple of very special people because of it.
This organization is here to help those people who just need someone to talk to, it's amazing. Bands everywhere have gotten involved, you can see these interns at music venues and other various places and the cool thing is...they really care. Get involved.
Well I have to go and open the store now. That's it for now until I get my computer back and can post up some pictures. Until then, Peace.