Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Guess Who I Saw At The Mall?????

Linda Hogan!!!!
OKay so I'm not sure what her maiden name is because I know she's like in the process of divorcing Hulk Hogan...or maybe she is already.But anway, I was at work talking with McKenna when all of a sudden I see her and her much much younger boyfriend out of the corner of my eye!!! My jaw dropped and I ran to the doorway to watch them walk into Burberry. Actually, Linda was like sorta draggin her boyfriend almost. Hehe it was kinda funny. Me and McKenna kept walking to the door to see if they would walk back in our direction and finally when we weren't paying attention, they walked past again. McKenna's jaw dropped this time and we ran to the door and like stared at the back of her head the whole time they walked away.Haha there were some people that stopped in their tracks and stared to. But she's like a local celebrity around Tampa, because she and the rest of the Hogan's live in Clearwater.But anyways, it was kinda cool to me I know I'm a doooork!Oh, and she happens to have really nice blonde hair extensions. I know for a fact that's not her real hair. And she's really tall too!But that's my excitment for the day.Until next time!